The High Season
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The high season is pretty much over now in Koh Tao, Thailand. I've had a busy last few months working at Ban's Diving Resort as a scuba instructor, mostly teaching First Aid and Rescue Diver courses, although I've had a fair share of Open Water and Advanced courses to teach. Here and there I've been able to steal onto the boat when I'm (luckily!) not working and have a couple of fun dives!! It really deos take it out of you teaching every day, especially when you have to get up at 6:30am to do the morning dives and don't finish till class is over at 4pm in the afternoons!
Highlights over the last few months have definitely been the birth of my first nephew, Finnegan (see last two posts!), and only my second sighting of a whaleshark, which I fortunately had an underwater camera on me! I also finally visited a new country, Malaysia, albeit very shortly for a visa run to Penang for a few days. Nice to get some good chinese and indian food with some of the local cuisine. One of the funniest things about Malaysia is how they spell English words phonetically, like 'farmasi' instead of pharmacy, 'elektronix', 'aksesoris', and so on! Funny that I still consider myself out 'travelling' although I've not been to a new country in the last year and been working and living in Thailand until the Penang trip!
So, the whaleshark.... Well as some of you know, I did manage to see my first one back in April, which is a short season for them to visit Koh Tao. The big season for them is from about now until end of December. Last year we saw loads (I counted 23 that the Ban's divers saw) which I somehow seemed to miss EVERY SINGLE ONE. So it's a breath of relief and wonder that I finally get to see them. Still I have to admit, the most amazing thing I've seen underwater has to have been the dungong last year in the Andaman Islands (see 'The Andaman Experience').
There are also currently lots of large Grey Reef Sharks at one of the dive sights here, some of you will remember my post from last year 'Sharks!' although this time I have photos to go with the post! They've been coming in real close to me (I've been dubbed the shark man here because of how close I manage to get to them!). I have to admit I've done a real no-no and actually touched one as it swam by my head. It was a little one and it kept coming by me over and over, curious as hell, swimming just off my shoulder about 20-30cm away, and I couldn't restrain myself, just touching the tip of the tail as it went by, just to say I've touched a real live shark! So sorry to all the hardcore conservationists out there (that's including me!). I kind of felt guilty afterwards.... but how many people can say they've touched a shark? ;)
As this high season winds down, I'm left wondering what I'm to do for low season. Money will be tight as there's not much work until the December-January Swedish high season. Then it'll be quiet again until next June. So I'm currently deciding with great difficulty to call and end to all this, and move to Hong Kong for some work to remove the remaining debts I have (student loan and some credit card), before heading off again. I'll let you all know as time goes.
I have to admit, South America needs to be travelled by my feet very very soon..... :)
Oh, and it's my big 30th birthday party come 21st September!!!
The high season is pretty much over now in Koh Tao, Thailand. I've had a busy last few months working at Ban's Diving Resort as a scuba instructor, mostly teaching First Aid and Rescue Diver courses, although I've had a fair share of Open Water and Advanced courses to teach. Here and there I've been able to steal onto the boat when I'm (luckily!) not working and have a couple of fun dives!! It really deos take it out of you teaching every day, especially when you have to get up at 6:30am to do the morning dives and don't finish till class is over at 4pm in the afternoons!
Highlights over the last few months have definitely been the birth of my first nephew, Finnegan (see last two posts!), and only my second sighting of a whaleshark, which I fortunately had an underwater camera on me! I also finally visited a new country, Malaysia, albeit very shortly for a visa run to Penang for a few days. Nice to get some good chinese and indian food with some of the local cuisine. One of the funniest things about Malaysia is how they spell English words phonetically, like 'farmasi' instead of pharmacy, 'elektronix', 'aksesoris', and so on! Funny that I still consider myself out 'travelling' although I've not been to a new country in the last year and been working and living in Thailand until the Penang trip!
So, the whaleshark.... Well as some of you know, I did manage to see my first one back in April, which is a short season for them to visit Koh Tao. The big season for them is from about now until end of December. Last year we saw loads (I counted 23 that the Ban's divers saw) which I somehow seemed to miss EVERY SINGLE ONE. So it's a breath of relief and wonder that I finally get to see them. Still I have to admit, the most amazing thing I've seen underwater has to have been the dungong last year in the Andaman Islands (see 'The Andaman Experience').
There are also currently lots of large Grey Reef Sharks at one of the dive sights here, some of you will remember my post from last year 'Sharks!' although this time I have photos to go with the post! They've been coming in real close to me (I've been dubbed the shark man here because of how close I manage to get to them!). I have to admit I've done a real no-no and actually touched one as it swam by my head. It was a little one and it kept coming by me over and over, curious as hell, swimming just off my shoulder about 20-30cm away, and I couldn't restrain myself, just touching the tip of the tail as it went by, just to say I've touched a real live shark! So sorry to all the hardcore conservationists out there (that's including me!). I kind of felt guilty afterwards.... but how many people can say they've touched a shark? ;)
As this high season winds down, I'm left wondering what I'm to do for low season. Money will be tight as there's not much work until the December-January Swedish high season. Then it'll be quiet again until next June. So I'm currently deciding with great difficulty to call and end to all this, and move to Hong Kong for some work to remove the remaining debts I have (student loan and some credit card), before heading off again. I'll let you all know as time goes.
I have to admit, South America needs to be travelled by my feet very very soon..... :)
Oh, and it's my big 30th birthday party come 21st September!!!
Hey Dom!,
I’m well aware that you see many, many different students each year, but judging by the fact that we had such an excellent time diving together, I’m pretty sure you still remember us!
How are you doing? Is life still good there? Still working at Ban’s, or are you travelling now?
I was hoping to write earlier, but you know how these things always then to fall trough… working life has this tendency to draw you in quick. After having heard you talking about it, I spent many of my days contemplating whether I should not go to Koh Tao to get my DMT. I miss the sun, the food, the diving… . We actually talked about it, but didn’t manage to really take to step… yet! Although, I’m working a lot on shark conservation lately. It’s not quite diving, but still pretty cool.
We are thinking on taking up some leave in the beginning of next year, and go diving again. We have thought about going back to Thailand, or maybe looking for some other low-cost destination. I remember you had some tips of some cool place to go to. Could you send me your top 5 of coolest places to dive? I would appreciate it!
Ok, hope to hear from you soon! You can find me at I hope you are well.
All the best,
PS: Happy birthday man... 30, it's just like being 20 with 10 year of experience!
Dear Dom, I have been thinking of you and Mel, and all the holidays you were with us. How are you. It would be good to see you, Dom. I am living in Winchester, Virginia, about an hour from Washington. You are welcome any time. It would be great to have you here. Much love to Mel. Auntie Dana
hi Dom,
I need your help, could let me know on my email if it's ok to talk to you. I know you can help me if you only agree because of your work.
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