And The Road Becomes My Bride...

There's no place like home. Well, that's what some people say! Unfortunately I don't really have a 'home'. I've moved around all my life, which has become the norm for me. As such, I haven't really felt settled in London these last 10 years. So I've packed my bags and am heading off around Asia, where I was born, for a while, and possibly set up camp for a few years. You can follow my travels and adventures here!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


This really is turning out to be the most amazing month of my life! From diving the Andamans, discovering coral reefs and seeing dugongs, to standing in the presence of the third tallest mountain in the world, Kanchenjunga, after the most gruelling 8 day trek in the Himalayas through mud, rain, leeches, and steep 4 to 6 hour non-stop uphill walks day after day. I'm back in Yuksom, where I have very slow internet in a government information hut, but I should be back in Darjeeling in a few days time, so I'll upload the photos and tell all about the trek. All I can say is this has definitely been the most awesome and humbling experience in my whole life. The pictures will blow you away.... I'm so glad I've done this, even though it's cost me over a month's budget!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the pics Dom, it's been a while! Glad you're alive and well and loving life. Miss you, mel xoxo

Sat Jun 10, 06:04:00 PM 2006  

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