And The Road Becomes My Bride...

There's no place like home. Well, that's what some people say! Unfortunately I don't really have a 'home'. I've moved around all my life, which has become the norm for me. As such, I haven't really felt settled in London these last 10 years. So I've packed my bags and am heading off around Asia, where I was born, for a while, and possibly set up camp for a few years. You can follow my travels and adventures here!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Farewell Sev, my love...

I wrote this in my diary a while ago:


"I miss you my little piggy-shark. The past few weeks my mind has been
thinking of you more and more. You're right. I have been somewhat
selfish in taking this year out. I've recently been thinking about
your perspective in my leaving, and now I feel I've hurt you. I didn't
mean to. I think I needed to get away, from London, because I've moved
all my life. It's become a part of my nature. My whole life has been
'hello's and 'goodbye's to people I've met. I thought a year out would
give me time on my own, to not have to say 'hello' and 'goodbye', but
on the contrary. I've said more 'hello's and 'goodbye's than I would
care for. I've met so many people on my travels, people I know would
be good friends if I had more time with them. And that's when I
realise what I had with you, and what you mean to me.

"I never really felt at home in London. But these last 3 months, I've
yearned for my life there. I thought I genuinely missed the city, my
work, my friends, but I don't. There's something I couldn't put my
finger on that wanted to draw me back to that place, and now I know
what it is.

"It's you. The home I have been lacking, the home that I've loved, the
home that I've wanted all my life is you Sev. You are my bastion of
love, my bed of content, my pillow of passion, my blanket of comfort..
When I need to think of a happy place or period, I don't dream of a
location, but my time with you.

"It's been hard for me the last few weeks. You haven't called, replied
to my emails, and I can understand why. I left you, you are right. But
you have to understand, as you know me so well, that I needed to do
this. It wasn't because I wanted to return to Asia, the home you
thought I needed. I was confused, and had no identity. That's how I
realised I do have an identity, and that's being Dom, the Dom you
love, the Dom who loved you.

"My home has never been a location, a place, a city, a country, a
continent. My home is with you baby. And now I'm looking forward to
coming back. I'm homesick. I need to settle at home. For the first
time in my life, I know I'll be content, happy, when I'm by your side,
feeling the warmth of the fireplace of your heart, dispelling the
chill of loneliness and feeling of belonging that has frozen my bones
and heart all these years.

"I love you Sev, and I hope you still love me too... I'm coming home
soon. I hope you can wait."

.....but stories, real stories, in life seldom have fairy-tale endings, and this one doesn't.

After telling her I was going back to her, telling her I now knew what I wanted in life, and as she sat and took it in the last few weeks over the phone and emails from me, she never told me until yesterday, when I asked her why she hadn't been replying to my mails the last couple of months, that there was no chance of me going back to her, that she had met someone else recently that had changed her life. She told me she doesn't love me anymore, and that we want different things in life. That's true, but the thing for me was I never knew what I wanted in life. That's why I took this year out. And I found it. It was her. But I can't have that now. It's too late. She really hurt me by doing that, making me believe she was still missing me, listening to all I said the last couple of months, and talking about it, until now. She also hurt me by changing so quickly, to say these things after so long together, after she told me she loved me so much. And I hurt. I hurt more than I've ever hurt before. But I did it to myself. And I deserve it.

So my fairy-tale story is gone. I told her I was about to fly out to France to see her this week, to return to her, to convince her that I loved her, and in a soppy romantic gesture, to ask her to marry me, but her last email stopped me short. She said she would definitely say no (after saying before I left that if I asked, she would say yes), and that I would just end up hurting myself more. She's right. I would. And I know I would hurt her more too.

My last 6 and a half years, I will cherish with her, and I will always love her, more than she will ever know. But it was my fault for leaving her, taking this trip out. Then again, I would never have known how much I loved her if I hadn't have left.

So my advice to any of you out there who has a loved one:
Don't let them go. Hold them tight. Never take your eyes off them, for the moment you do, they might not be there when you turn around again. Next time you look at them, whether it's in the next minute, hour or day, realise what you have with each other, hold it to your heart, and feel it's warmth, realise that love you have for each other. Never let it go. I did, and it's become the worst mistake I've ever made in my life.

Sev, I wish you all the happiness in life with the new person you have found. You deserve it. I was never able to love you the way I should have until it was too late. I had already left you. I hope the man loves you as much as I loved you, and more, because you are truly a beautiful person, who certainly deserves all the love a person can give in their life.

So bear with me folks. I've kind of lost the will to travel (and live!) at the moment. I've just arrived in Kochi (Cochin) and splurged out on a nice expensive hotel to pamper myself in light of recent events. I've had to endure these feelings of pain and hurt for 18 hours on an overnight bus after being stuck in traffic in the hills for 10 hours (due to a crash 20km down the road) with a snoring man next to me. I had 18 hours to think things through with no sleep. I still don't know what to do with the presents she asked me to buy for her at each place I visited when I left!

I won't sightsee today, I'll most probably lie in bed and watch the Arsenal v Villareal game on TV in my room tonight with a nice bottle of whisky or five (come on Arsenal!). You might not hear from me in a looong while. I'll need time to get over this, alone. I'm sorry... I hope you all understand.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude... condolences.



Wed Apr 19, 11:57:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mate, that sucks :(

You'll be alright in though dude.

come on Arsenal!!!


Wed Apr 19, 12:33:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking of you.


Wed Apr 19, 12:45:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been there, done that, and I know how much it hurts.

Cry, Rest, Relax, Think.

Then get up and carry on, but remember the lesson, I know you don't intend to make the same mistake twice, all I'm saying is watch your back.


Wed Apr 19, 01:38:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dom you think even more then myself!!! It aint good for you :)

Anyway mate dont pack up and bail just because of a girl! If she loved you and was worth it she would have waited but she didnt. There are plenty more fish out there....and im sure you will meet another nice one soon.

Girls have a way of somehow playing with your mind. The trick is to keep doing what you are doing....u are and where having fun...ur exploring, meeting people, seeing things and everyone that reads this blog is jealous of you!!

So dont go fretting and making any rushed silly decision about running home etc....instead get out there and keep on trucking :)

Your a good fella Dom......and there arent many of them out there! So dont let anyone try and destroy that!

Okay! I want to see a new blog entry next week from some city i cant pronounce and where i can only dream of going!!

And ill have a beer for you whilst watching arsenal!

Wed Apr 19, 01:39:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck it...

find a nice asian chick and fuck her silly, then boink a white girl, then after that have a 3-some. I'm sure after that all will become relative.

bool CMe::fuck_a_lot_of_chicks()
bool asian_success = false;
bool white_success = false;
bool threesome = false;
if (asian_chick) {
asian_success = true

if (white_chick) {
white_success = true;

if (two_chicks) {
threesome = true

if (asian_chick & white_chick & threesome) {
return success;
return failure;

Wed Apr 19, 04:27:00 PM 2006  
Blogger d said...

My friend.

What a sad thing to read. You probably don't want to hear advice right now, so you'll get none from me. I hope it feels better that you were able to put up a blog about this. It always helped me feel better when I threw my emotions on the internet for critique. It was theraputic. Anyway, my thoughts are with you, and you know you've always got a friend in Tampa when you need one. I hope you can find some way to carry on with your trip. I think you need it more than ever now.

Best of wishes, and thinking of you, my friend...



Wed Apr 19, 09:27:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you just need time to realize that everything happen all is for the better…I assure u that it is…and don’t blame yourself and feel pity for yourself. YOU ARE THE MAN! MEN DON’T CRY!

Thu Apr 20, 02:43:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You obviously feel pretty shitty right now, but remember THAW,Time Heals All Wounds and time is surely something you have plenty of. Keep on trucking,pal,it's obvious that everybody loves reading your travelogues.
I sure look forward to the next one!!!

Thu Apr 20, 04:50:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello fella.

Hang in there matey.

I can't lie to you - there's plenty hurtin' ahead. But it's like any journey - take some time out and the hurt begins to heal and the memory begins to fade, leaving just the colourful thoughts and a few scars and stories to tell at parties.

Take some comfort in the knowledge that if all it took was for you to turn your back for five minutes and she found comfort elsewhere then it was never meant to be.

Keep looking at the road ahead and you'll be set right soon enough.

Look after yourself chap.

Darren W.

Thu Apr 20, 05:47:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




Thu Apr 20, 07:17:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You know we all love you! Don't jack your trip in or else what am i going to while away the hours as I slave away on that desk job in sweaty hong kong?

I want more stories of heroic moments and fearless acts!


Sat Apr 22, 02:17:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stweer Drahling borther Dom,

Your friends are ALL right!

In fact, they're better than alright, they're awesome!!! They're all cheering you on and that's what you should do, move on. Keep walking - life's about dealing with this stuff and it's precisely what makes your amazing journey amazing, what a great year out you'll have to write about afterall, eh!

And if you really need to wimp out, come join Mum, Rudy, Kriss and me in Phuket for my birthday week May 12-19, we have a huge villa booked at the Marriott Resort. There's a bed for you and plenty of family shoulders to cry on! But I know Kosh would just lambast you if you did that haha :)

Keep your chin up and your PACKBACK on (imagine Mum trying to pronounce that one). We all love you.

You're gorgeous on the inside and out, looking fitter than ever with all these trials & tribulations - you'll have no probs meeting a hot chick (but wasn't that always your problem, the inundation of hotties?!). Time heals, I've been there. Live your life for YOU FIRST. You have to know what YOU want before you commit to or pin your dreams on another person, otherwise you end up with regrets of not having done what you wanted. And isn't this exactly why you went on this trip to start with??

The soulmate who truly loves & understands you will compromise and move for you or vice versa. Neither of you were ready in your almost 7 years together, that really speaks for itself. When you find peace within yourself, home will come, because like a snail, our home is wherever we take it. Or like a hermit crab, we outgrow our homes and find new ones, it's sometimes painful but it's always fun - maybe that should be your new logo since you've met so many hermit crabs on this trip :)

Please try to find a mo from your whisky swigging to chat on Skype! Or blog your current contact number at the hotel/hostel so we can call you. Your Indian mobile has been out of action for a month...

Big hugs & much love from Bangkok (my home at long last!),

Sis xoxo

Sat Apr 22, 07:44:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. Remember, in your whisy drowned sorrows, that even Johnny Walker would tell you to 'Keep Walking!' !!!! ;)

Sat Apr 22, 07:47:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I intentionally didn't add a comment here when you posted this, and sent you an email instead since I didn't want to inflict my usual philosophical cheese on the rest of the blog-reading population and, moreover, because some things are better said in private.

However, because Mel has now invoked my name (She's right by the way - don't even think about it!) and this takes me back to a good few conversations we've shared in the past on somewhat similar topics, I feel that it's my moral duty to add a few words here in the hope that you don't turn into a shrivelled up pansy that withers away in southern India.

I won't repeat what I've already said via email, and most of it's been covered in one way or another by other people's comments anyway. But I will say this: when I saw you off at Heathrow, I told you that you were about to embark on something very precious where you should savour every moment, and speaking as someone who's maybe had more than their fair share of travels around the world, with hopefully much more to come, I still know that you're incredibly lucky to be doing what you're doing and that you have to go on - I will not forgive you if you don't! After your "last supper" when you left, I didn't wash and iron your clothes, pack all your stuff, take everything apart and run around looking for your bloody iPod receipt just to see you pack it all in now!

It's in the nature of human beings (myself included) to make the most of every trial and tribulation that life throws upon us, but age and experience teaches us to put everything into perspective. I don't expect you to become a sannyasin (look it up), but you need to see this as the moment of clarity it is and move onwards and upwards.

I know we've got "same, same but different" experiences of the nature of "home", and we're free to disagree with each other about it's meaning, but I hope that you're drinking that whisky out of the hip flask I gave you and have had time to take a look at the engraving I put on it: "No direction home... but the one that lies within." It took me a long time to give up looking for a home and wanting to be accepted, and sometimes I'm still forced to question whether I really have. I told you that I intentionally left the engraving ambiguous, but maybe you'll figure out what it really means now.

I'll leave you with a Hindi saying I was taught a long time ago when I was a kid, which roughly translated is something like: "These days are not here to stay. I came alone, I'll go alone... two days of sadness, two days of laughter."

Lots of love (the tough kind),


P.S. I've now decided that iPods are cursed: I lost mine on an admittedly beer and champagne fuelled night bus ride home after a random night out. I shall bring myself to buy a replacement once I've finished grieving for my loss! ;-)

Sat Apr 22, 08:49:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about your girlfriend...hope life has changed a lot afterwards...i was checking for info about andamans and i landed up in your site...enjoyed your blogs...i also lost someone 3years back...she was my you have said, i tried not to let her go....but then, it reached to a point where it didn't make any sense to hold her any more...its just like trying to hold sand in one palm...the more you try to hold it firm, the more it will slip through your, finally i decided to let her go, because i just wanted her to be happy...even if that means its not with me......i dont regret it, just like i dont regret loving is full of surprises buddy....some plesant, some painful..that's how it is..good luck for the future..

Sun Oct 26, 10:45:00 AM 2008  

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