And The Road Becomes My Bride...

There's no place like home. Well, that's what some people say! Unfortunately I don't really have a 'home'. I've moved around all my life, which has become the norm for me. As such, I haven't really felt settled in London these last 10 years. So I've packed my bags and am heading off around Asia, where I was born, for a while, and possibly set up camp for a few years. You can follow my travels and adventures here!

Monday, March 20, 2006

A Public Apology and Retaliation

Well, it seems my last post seems to have infuriated a large number of people, not least my father. I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to those I have angered by mistake, especially my dad, whom I have recently told I hold no hard feelings against anymore.

I would also like to say that the experience that happened to me whilst I was in Jodhpur was totally subconscious, as in, I couldn't seem to control what I was feeling or thinking. They are in no way necessarily how I currently feel at this time in my life. To me, it seemed merely a flashback to how I felt at that time. It does not neccesarily reflect how I feel now. It seemed more like a journey back to those events and how I felt emotionally when they happened. It would not have been a weird experience, as I said, to me if I still felt that way. That was what was so strange about it. That past emotions came with the memories.

Finally, if some of you do not like what is in my blog, then you can stop reading it. I am not forcing you to do so. I, like all the rest of you, have my freedom of speech to express how I feel and what I say, and none of you have any right to deprive me of that. So in frank, you can f*ck off if you don't like what's in here. For once in my life, I'm doing something I've been dreaming about for a long time, travelling and expressing my thoughts. I will not let you try to handle me in your way over these distances. You do not have any hold over me. And before any of you reply to this statement, it was meant for those who know who they are (not you dad!).

So again, I am sorry to both my parents, especially my father, whom I did not mean to anger. I do love you, and hope that you understand what I mean.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dom - a certain amount of intro/retrospection I think is always part of travelling as you are doing now (you git). But don't get too hung up on whats going on and don't blog it all. To a certain extent backpacking is a lot like Vegas. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas and so on...
I am sure you are getting up to lots that you don't tell us (well I hope you are) but thats not a reason to tell us something else in return for everything you hold back. Disappearing without trace for several months is infinately liberating. And hey it will bring tension to you blog!
ps. you still got your mobile so I can return the collect call you placed to me in Africa - do I want to come out to aint nothing but!

Mon Mar 20, 11:23:00 AM 2006  
Blogger holly said...

I am sorry that you are dealing with people who make it known that they don't like your blog - Daniel and I put up with a lot of that last year, but just like you said, they shouldn't bother reading if they don't like it. Don't worry about those people - just enjoy your trip. I love being able to follow along on your journey - it looks amazing and I am glad that you are sharing it with us. Have fun and stay safe!
Hope to see you soon!

Mon Mar 20, 11:37:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wise words from Dave M echoing what I said to you before mate - in the nicest possible way, just go and get lost!

For me at least, that's always been one of the most important parts of travelling... maybe you should create the same kind of tension caused by waiting to be able to download the next episode of Lost!

I look forward to the whole truth when I next see you in person, hopefully delivered in our now traditional style of a number of late-night alcohol-assisted installments. The whisky bottle is waiting... ;-)

Mon Mar 20, 09:25:00 PM 2006  

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