And The Road Becomes My Bride...

There's no place like home. Well, that's what some people say! Unfortunately I don't really have a 'home'. I've moved around all my life, which has become the norm for me. As such, I haven't really felt settled in London these last 10 years. So I've packed my bags and am heading off around Asia, where I was born, for a while, and possibly set up camp for a few years. You can follow my travels and adventures here!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Happy New Sneer, Cheer, and Year

Sorry for the massive delay, but it's been a pretty crazy week since New Year's, and getting the photos together have been a real pain, considering they come from 3 different cameras!
Had a great pre-New Year's Eve night out with my sister and some friends. Nick Griffith, a friend from Uni, came out to HK for a week and a bit, and where ever he goes, chaos ensues. We went to a few places on the Friday (30th), including a fab Russian bar where they have a massize freezer in the middle of the bar, where you go in with (fake) fur coats and all just to drink vodka shots. Moved on to the Drop Bar for many more until the wee hours (6am!).
New Year's was kind of messed up from the massive row between my mum and step-dad at the FCC (Foreign Correspondant's Club). Had to leave the table in a blaze coz it was so embarrassing. It's amazing how a couple of adults can act like children. Gave them both a right bollocking, in front of their friends. Not only did they ruin our New Year, but everyone else (family friends) we were sitting with. I'm kind of fed up of a lot of things, and stupid rows like this is one of them. Recently, I've felt like standing up to a lot more situations than before. I guess I'm getting older now, and feel like I don't give a sh*t!
Met up with Ling, Caz, Nick and others after the clock struck. Went to Baby Buddha Bar after a drink at Finds, and had a whale of a time! Got so drunk, I even swapped clothes with Caz.... in the middle of the bar... Shocking.
Took a few days off to recover, went to the massive outdoor seated Buddha on Lantau Island, then met up with Chris Tomkins (one of my best and oldest mates) for a hotpot. Next day we attended the first day of racing at Happy Valley Horse Racing Course with Anastasia (the Russian lady I met!), Julien, and the usuals the day afer. Won a bit of money and went out on that Wednesday night (4th) to celebrate (oh ok, any reason to go out drinking!). Had a few hours of boozing at Typhoon's in Wan Chai where Caz eloped with more policemen's hats and even got given an email address from the cop so she could send the photos! Stumbled to Carnegie's shortly after for some mad dancing and more antics!!!!
Since then it's kind of been chilled. Had a nice night out with everyone on Saturday night at a drum 'n' bass club (Yumla). Spent Sunday taking Anastasia around Hong Kong before heading for a DIRT CHEAP spa in Wan Chai with Ling, Caz and Anastasia. 300 HK dollars (20 quid) for a 2 hour massage, jacuzzi (hot and cold), sauna, steam room, unlimited ciggies, food and drink, for as long as you want!! BARGAIN!
Gearing up now for my departure from these shores. I shall be flying to Bangkok 20th Jan, where I will be staying for a few days before heading to Delhi (cheaper via Bangkok than direct! Plus I get my innoculations cheaper there than HK). Still might stay in Thailand for a month before Delhi for Ling and Dodgy's 30th birthday. Details still being sorted out.
Off to Ocean Park (a theme park with massive rides) with Anastasia tomorrow. She's back off to Vladivostok on Thursday to finish her course before moving to Thailand this summer (will meet her there).
Hope the New Year is finding you all well, and that certain photos you see don't scar you mentally forever (you'll know which ones....).
Happy New Year y'all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dom Dom Dom, tell me about the ladyboys.

Mon Jan 09, 11:09:00 AM 2006  

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